The website contains every resource that you will ever need to conduct a rigorous and professional search for a faculty, staff, administrative or executive position in higher education. was designed to be the definitive resource for supporting the search committee process by bringing together everything you need in one place.
With the assistance of this site, you are virtually guaranteed a great outcome--the best possible hire for you college or university. Save time, save money, and avoid the possibility of a failed search or bad hire by using this state-of-the-art website to assist you in hiring the best qualified and most diverse faculty and staff who fit the culture of your institution. Learn how inside.
The site provides all of the resources necessary to manage a better search, such as: checklists, forms, templates, sample letters, articles, how to videos, and various other resources to include training materials and webinars. It also provides advice and a comprehensive list of support services for search committees such as, ad agencies, search firms, relocation companies, websites, and other organizations that can assist you in conducting a better search. It was founded by the leading expert in the search committee process.
Our founder, Dr. Christopher D. Lee, is a self-described HR evangelist and a leading authority on the search committee process. His background includes having served as the chief human resources officer for four institutions of higher learning—Georgia Highlands College (formerly Floyd College), Southern Polytechnic State University, Bates College, and the Virginia Community College System. He has taught as an adjunct professor of HR at several institutions during his career, including Lewiston-Auburn College of the University of Southern Maine and the University of Richmond.
He is a former question writer for the PHR (Professional in Human Resources) and SPHR (Senior Professional in Human Resources) examinations administered by the Human Resources Certification Institute (HRCI). He is the author of numerous human resources-related articles, chapters, and three books, including Performance Conversations: An Alternative to Appraisals and Search Committees: A Comprehensive Guide to Successful Faculty, Staff and Administrative Searches. He recently completed the manuscript for his fourth book, tentatively titled, Performance Questions: 7 Answers, 30Minutes, Unlimited Results.
Chris’s first book, Search Committees: A Tool Kit for Human Resources Professionals, Administrators, and Committee Members, earned the 2001 Kathryn Hansen publication award from the College and University Professional Association for Human Resources (CUPA-HR). Since that time, he was an invited contributor to the second edition of the seminal work in the field—the Search Committee Handbook by Ted Marchese and Jane Fiori Lawrence; he provided search committee training to more than 1,000 human resource professionals; and he consulted with dozens of colleges and universities on the search committee process. He is the proprietor of, a website that is an online repository of hundreds of resources and training materials on the search committee process designed to train and empower search committees. He is also co-founder of Hamilton Pierce Executive Search. A firm that offers both external and internal search support.
Chris has presented at conferences and consulted with clients in the United States, Canada, Australia, and South Africa on search committee or performance management-related topics. He is a graduate of Auburn, Golden Gate, and Georgia State universities. He is also certified as a Senior Professional in Human Resources. Additionally, Chris is a retired lieutenant colonel in the U. S. Marine Corps Reserves. He can be reached at [email protected].
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The Search Doctor